Orthopedic Clinic:
- Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
- Services Offered: Consultation, diagnosis and treatment
Physiotherapy Clinic:
- Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
- Services Offered: Low back treatment, Management of all fractures (post-operative), all neuropathic conditions (stroke, palsy etc), disability management and assessment.
Occupational Therapy:
- Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
- Services Offered: Paeds occupational therapy, physical dysfunctions, club foot management.
Orthopedic Trauma:
- Open Monday to Sunday, 8am to 5pm
- Services Offered: Carry out minor operative techniques involving insertion of Steinman’s pin, fixing skull callipers for skeletal tractions, closed manipulative reduction of fractures and dislocations, application and removal of cast, splints and braces in the treatment of orthopaedic trauma conditions (cast techniques), application and removal of tractions in treatment of trauma conditions (traction techniques), removal of external fixators, skilled surgical assistance to the operating surgeon, interpretation of radiological images of orthopaedic and trauma cases, management of simple wounds due to trauma
Orthopedic Technology:
- Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
- Services Offered: Assessment of patients for orthopaedic services, Fabrication of orthopaedic appliance.